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Jesse J. Tepper PHD - Logo
Serving the New York Metropolitan Area,
Northeast Region of Pennsylvania, & the Surrounding Locations
Located in New York, NY and Lords Valley, PA
Jesse J. Tepper, Ph.D.

About Us

Serving the New York Metropolitan Area, Northeast Region of Pennsylvania, and the Surrounding Locations
Located in New York, NY and Lords Valley, PA
Call Us - 212-787-5250
Serving the New York Metropolitan Area, Northeast Region of Pennsylvania, and the Surrounding Locations   
Located in New York, NY and Lords Valley, PA
Jesse J. Tepper, Ph.D.
For couples therapy and help with anxiety problems and depression, contact Jesse J. Tepper PHD today by filling out the form below.

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Learn More About Counseling & Therapy Provided by
Jesse J. Tepper PHD

Finding yourself acting in ways that are exasperating to you? Unable to get beyond feeling nervous or depressed despite the best of your efforts? Disgusted by the seemingly chronic difficulties in your relationships - be they straight or gay? It's likely that these problematic ways of living are expressions of unconscious psychological conflicts that you have been and are attempting to grapple with. My interest is in working with you to identify the nature of those frustrating conflicts, assist you in resolving them and helping you to increasingly lead a much more satisfying life.

What can you expect from me? You can look forward to a comfortable, safe, and confidential atmosphere that will facilitate the thoughtful exploration and dialogue that is so much a part of the process. I expect you will also find me an attentive and sensitive listener - one who is not only attuned to what you say but, often enough, to what is missing, a serious professional, one who is respectful of the emotional pain you are living with - yet one who will readily share a laugh with you. Welcome to my practice.

Call 212-787-5250 to schedule an appointment with our therapist. You will get effective couples therapy, and anxiety and depression counseling at our clinic. 

Visit us at 300 Central Park West in New York or 105 Heron Bay in Lords Valley.

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